This morning, I went to the Y to do a quick workout before Mr. B and I head back to KC for a week at Table Rock Lake with my family. I had to stop by Walgreens on the 16th Street mall on the way back home, to pick up a couple of essentials items…lotion, sun block, hair ties, etc. For those of you that don’t know or have not been to the 16th Street mall in Denver……well, just image taking all the people that visit the state fair and putting them inside a Cheesecake Factory, with a mixture of hippies, bums, and angry teens. Those are the kind of people that walk up and down this faux mall. But in all honesty, it is one giant strip of really good people watching.

Anyways, I finished up my shopping at the Wal, and went to stand in line to wait for the next register to open. Noticing that I was the next person up, I started to reach for my wallet out of my backpack. When I looked up, there she was!!!! Bon Qui Qui’s doppelganger! I didn’t even know what to say, I was so caught off guard. I handed her my items and she started to ring me up, slowly grabbing each item with those long press on red nails. I thought to myself I should take a picture but I was out numbered.

Since I didn’t get a picture, here is my favorite You Tube video of her in action. Enjoy!